Developing a strategy that maximizes your organization’s competitive advantage is one thing. Executing it with focus and diligence is another.
Developing a strategy that maximizes your organization’s competitive advantage is one thing. Executing it with focus and diligence is another.
With Leslie Keen Consulting, you will experience approaches that not only help you shape your organization’s strategy, or specific strategic programs, but also support its successful execution such as:
The Result: Focus, alignment, and accountability for execution.
Training is an event, learning is a process. Many leaders are promoted into more senior positions or asked to lead strategic initiatives based on their technical excellence. Technical expertise is critical and foundational for organizational success, however, it’s the ‘soft stuff’ that is actually the hardest for leaders to learn and apply to be effective and deliver superior performance.
With Leslie Keen Consulting, you will experience leadership programs, be that developing core leadership skills (e.g. emotional intelligence, difficult conversations, coaching for performance) or more in-depth skills aligned to strategic change initiatives, that go beyond simple training based on sound expertise and experience in learning approaches such as:
The Result: Sustained leadership capability, increased confidence, and business outcomes.
Successful change doesn’t happen to people, it happens with people, regardless of its pace and scale. Effective change management is NOT just about communication and training – ‘tell them once’, ‘train them up’, and ‘see how they get on’!
With Leslie Keen Consulting, you will experience a different, more comprehensive approach to shaping and executing transformational change programs including:
The Result: Increased buy-in, speed of implementation, and certainty of success.